Thursday, April 23, 2020

Watch Candy Boys (2015) Movies 123movies FUll HD Stream Online

Watch Streaming Candy Boys (2015) Movies Full Blu-ray Without Download Online Streaming


Candy Boys Movies Movies uTorrent Blu-ray Without Downloading Online Stream

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Plot Candy Boys (2015):

In Edo, the fabulous wonderland where only men exist, the most beautiful courtesan is Dayu Shiratori. His apprentice’s suicide made him desolate, and he finds love when he meets the most popular and sexy candy boy, Furimatsu, at the “Candy Shop.” However, the town of Edo bans romantic relationships, and a rare disease starts to spread.

Movie details

Title: Candy Boys
Released: 2015-02-28
Genre: Romance, Drama
Director: Afred Hitchcock
Date: 2015-02-28
Runtime: 79 Minutes
Homepage: Homepage Movie
Trailer: Video Trailer

Casts of Candy Boys:
Akihiro Mayama, Hiromu Takahashi,

Watch Candy Boys (2015) Movie uTorrent Blu-ray 3D Without Downloading Online Streaming


Learn More About Candy Boys

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